When Emotionally Healthy People Tell You How Not to be Depressed

4 min readAug 4, 2018
Photo Credit: Amberleigh Storms

“There is no standard normal. Normal is subjective. There are seven billion versions of normal on this planet.”- Matt Haig

I have set ringtones for contacts in my cellphone. This allows me to choose who I answer the phone for because chances are if I’m not related to you I’m not answering. It’s not because I dislike you. It’s because I feel depressed and within that depression I have zero desire to chit chat.

Yes, I’m one of those. Leave me be. Don’t talk to me.

If I’m related to you our conversation would go similar to this conversation I had with a loved one yesterday. She and I hadn’t spoken at all in days which is unusual for us. At the very least we’ll send a text. She was recovering from a four day headache stretch. She called me because she knew she could just say it and vent without me trying to fix it or make suggestions on what to do .

OMG, I said. Or how people try to tell you what you should do to get it to go away and you’re all like, fuck me as if you haven’t tried that already.

I can totally relate to her experience because emotionally healthy people tell me how to not be depressed and here’s the thing, when they do I kind of feel like…

